Courtney Williams

Courtney Williams



British Weightlifting Level 1

Level 3 PT Diploma

Precision Nutrition Level 1

Qualified Teacher Status

About Coach

I never enjoyed exercise when I was younger and actively avoided anything that would get my heart rate up. After living much of my life as obese, I lost 5 stone through fun activities with communities so it didn't feel like exercise. Now I absolutely love Olympic weightlifting and the discipline that comes with it.

Turning Point

The initial turning point for me was seeing a photo of myself and realising how much I had let myself go. At that moment it was purely aesthetic, but as I continued on my journey, I began to learn what an impact on my long-term health I would have had if I hadn't made that change.

Motivation & Passion

I want to show others that getting fit can be fun and that while fitness and nutrition can seem like an absolute minefield, having some basic knowledge can get you far in your journey.

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